The Snowy Winter in the South

Chile / Spanish

WIP - Proyecto seleccionado: Al Sur del Invierno está la Nieve

Original title: Al Sur del Invierno está la Nieve
English title: The Snowy Winter in the South
Country: Chile
Length: Feature
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English

In the southernmost region of Chile, in the midst of a nature as cruel as overwhelming, a handful of settlers, along with their dogs and cattle, survive in an increasingly hostile territory, but beautiful at the same time.

Director - Sebastian Vidal Campos Sebastian Vidal Campos

(Santiago 1988), studied film at the University of Valparaiso. He emigrated to the Magallanes region in 2015, where he is currently working on his first feature film projects. He has dabbled mainly in documentary directing and screenwriting.


“El Pasajero” (120 min, WIP)
«El Balón en un pozo de agua» (30 min, 2020)
«Eufemia González, la flor del desierto» (43 min, 2017)
