10 x 20 min / 10 Latin American Countries

Director: Nicholas Hooper H.

Producer: Nicholas Hooper H.

Production Company: CUBHO AUDIOVISUAL

In Latin America about 150 environmental activists die each year. Through a co-creation with their families, the documentary series follows the souls in pain of 10 of them who continue to fight from the beyond for their memory and the injustice that exists in the defense of the territories.

Nicholas Hooper H. (Talagante, 1997) is a Chilean audiovisual director and producer. He is interested in portraying social issues and creating innovative ways of telling stories that affect different territories, collaborating in projects that seek to generate an impact on society. Currently, he works in Micromundo Producciones of the director Maite Alberdi (El Agente Topo), while developing projects such as the interactive documentary @flotandoenlatalagante, the short film “La Mecha” and the series starring puppets “Barracuda” with his production company CUBHO Audiovisual.
